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ስለ እኛ

በአዋራ ቺክን ለውድ ደንበኞቻችን ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያላቸው የዶሮ ምርቶች እናቀርባልን። 

የዶሮ እርባታ ቦታችን።

ከ 2022 ጀምሮ ምርጥ የዶሮ ምርቶቺን በማቅረብ ላይ እንገኛልን።

በ 2022 የተቋቋመው, የእኛ ንግድ ከትንሽ የዶሮ እርሻ ወደ በዶሮ አቅርቦት ኢንዱስትሪ ውስጥ እምነት የሚጣልበት ድርጂት አድጓል። ባለን የላቀ, ዘላቂነት, እና የእንስሳት ደህንነት ቁርጠኝነት እንታወቃለን።

የእኛ ታሪክ፡

ከ 2022 ጀምሮ ምርጥ የዶሮ ምርቶቺን በማቅረብ ላይ እንገኛልን።

Awera Chicken was founded by Dr. Friehiwot Amsalu, a top surgeon with a bustling schedule. The idea first sparked in her mind because of her love of the traditional Ethiopian chicken stew and how tiresome the process was for her to prepare the dish often. she found it very time-consuming from a time she didn’t have. 

 Inspired by this challenge, she founded “Awra chicken Poultry and Provisions” to offer people like her  with high-quality, pre-marinated, ready-to-cook poultry specifically prepared for Ethiopian dishes, as well as whole raw chickens for those who prefer to cook at home. Our shop bridges the gap between convenience and authentic flavor, making it easy for everyone to enjoy the rich culinary heritage of Ethiopia without the hassle.


የምግብ ፖሊሲያችን፡

  • ከፍተኛ ጥራት መስፈርት።
  • የምግብ ደህንነት (የንጽህና ልምዶች)።
  • የእንስሳት ደህንነት (Humane Treatment)

ዋነኛ የሥነ ምግባር እሴቶቻችን፡

  1. ጥራት
  2. ንጹሕ አቋም
  3. ዘላቂነት
  4. ደህንነት
  5. የደንበኛ ትኩረት
  6. የእንስሳት ደህንነት
  7. ተጠያቂነት
  8. ለባህላዊ ስሜት አክብሮት

የታወቁ ሼፎች

Meet The Taste Experts

Our talented chefs are the heart of our culinary operations, bringing passion, expertise, and creativity to every dish.

የወጥ ቤት ሠራተኞች

These kitchen brigades work together to support the head chef and ensure the smooth operation of the kitchen.


poultry butcher / slaughterer


Lead Chef


Head Chef


Store Manager/ Sales Associates/Cashiers